African Arts Institute

Bay of Quinte

The Bay of Quinte holds endless fascination for its big skies, cloud formations, sunsets, and changing waters. Sitting on its shores, you can take in the calm and the beauty all around you. 

As we plan and look ahead to the upcoming concert on February 10, we constantly give thanks for the beauty and the blessings that this place provides, and are thrilled to offer this exciting event to community here. 

All over, people face challenges, and as the festive season approaches, we reflect on the conflicts happening around the world, the need for security here at home, and the importance of being good friends and neighbours. 

The arts have the power to bring us all together, to find healing and joy in the experience of music, dance, and rhythms. Come join us for this joyful day of activities, sure to leave all of us feeling happy and reinvigorated!

We wish each and every one of you a happy holiday, however you celebrate, and all possible good things for 2024!

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