Come join us for an enchanting afternoon of Ananse storytelling with the captivating Nana Yaa Yeboaa on February 10th, 2024 at 2:00 PM!
Oral tradition is key in Africa and elsewhere. Ananse stories originate in Ghana, West Africa. These are ancient stories that relate to people’s normal lives, and are as relevant now as when they were created. Normally stories are told around the fireside, but today we get a chance to sit down with an expert who can talk about and share Anansi stories in the beautiful Belleville library.
All ages.
$10.00 per person.
Nana Yaa Yeboaa is a self-published author of books of poetry, short stories and children’s literature. As a storyteller, she engages people from diverse backgrounds to seek and understand each other. The knowledge she believes resides with us all and needs to share. Stories are what makes us human and with that, Nana tells and shares stories to form a community. She is also a festival organizer, her most recent one was with Ghana fest (www.ghanafest.ca). Some of her works can be found on Amazon and in bookstores in Canada. She lives in the small town of Brantford, ON with her two adorable children.