Thanks to everyone who attended, participated, volunteered, supported, and worked to make the day a huge success! We presented our inaugural concert and workshop series, featuring amazing artists, and a great time was had by all!
10:00 am – Drumming workshop with Isaac Akrong
11:30 am – Colours of Africa painting & collage workshop with Emebet Belete
2:00 pm – Ananse Storytelling with Nana Yaa Yeboaa
7:00 pm – Afrique En Cirque performed by Cirque Kalabanté
The activities started off at Belleville Public Library, and culminated at Bayside Secondary School.
Thank you to our funders! Department of Canadian Heritage, and Algonquin & Lakeshore Catholic District School Board.
Drumming workshop with Isaac Akrong

Belleville Public Library was transformed with the energy of the drums on a sunny winter morning! From bass to kpanlogo to djembe, and more, people of all ages and experience levels came together to celebrate the joy of music and to learn new techniques and rhythms from Master Drummer, and African Arts Institute President, Isaac Akrong.
Colours of Africa painting & collage workshop with Emebet Belete

We explored our creativity, inspired by the colours of Africa, under the guidance of professional visual artist Emebet Belete. With canvas, paint, glue, paper, tissues, and fabrics, each person created a very unique personal creative expression. No two were anything alike!

Ananse Storytelling with Nana Yaa Yeboaa

We were treated to oral tellings of Ananse stories from the very engaging storyteller Nana Yaa Yeboaa. Oral tradition is key in Africa and elsewhere. Ananse stories originate in Ghana, West Africa. These are ancient stories that relate to our normal lives, and have special lessons and good morals that are as relevant now as when they were created.

AFRIQUE EN CIRQUE by Cirque Kalabanté

Cirque Kalabanté brought the house down to a full house of 200+ audience members, dazzling us with incredible feats of acrobatics, drumming, dancing, songs, and instruments. Coming to us from Montreal, and originally from Guinea, this world-touring act created memories that will last a lifetime!